Highlights from the first FCA annual Osseo Sr. High Hockey vs. Maple Grove Sr. High Hockey Charity Basketball game!

Sponsored by: Osseo Sr. High FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes)
EmCee's : Angela Mooney (Osseo FCA) and Dan Ficken (Osseo Girls Hockey)
Refs: Adam Holm and Mark Corless
Coaches: (Osseo Sr. Boys Hockey) and (Maple Grove Sr. Boys Hockey)
Announcer: Dave Kaiser
Guest Speaker: Brandon Paulson (Olympic Silver Medalist, Current & 3 time US National Wrestling Champion)
Raffle prizes: Janelle Nelson (MN FCA)

Congratulations to Maple Grove Hockey on their 35-28 win! Both teams displayed laudable efforts and momentary flashes of exceptional hockey/basketball!  Half time speaker Brandon Paulson shared his story of his wrestling career, setting goals, pursuing his dreams and his faith in Jesus Christ.  Spectators were treated to a fun and exciting event!

Our Thanks to participants and spectators for a successful event!  Over $500.00 was raised for Charitable causes!


Photos by Patrick Mooney